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How to protect the fully automatic assembly machine

Release time: 2019-11-18 12:52:59

If you want your equipment to work properly, you should always stick to the equipment so that the equipment will work properly during the job and the life expectancy will increase. Next, I will show you how to protect the fully automatic assembly machine.

   1. Fully adjust and fix all parts of the automatic equipment port, keep the surface smooth, and gradually adjust the parts that need to be adjusted to ensure that the function is intact.

   2. Carefully check whether the malfunction and cleaning place are cleaned during the application process. The first thing to do is to check the important parts of the equipment and the parts that are easily damaged, then check the accessories and some requirements on the equipment. Increase the make up for liquid make up.

   3, fully automatic assembly machine protection should comply with the teaching guidelines, it is necessary to carry out, punctuality, and correct implementation, can not only use no protection, only protection without protection.

   4, protection, in order to ensure the quality of protection, your needs in accordance with the teaching process of the device gradually implemented, can not miss a step or roots will not do. The operation of protecting equipment is a long-term insistence.

   The fully automatic assembly machine is a very complicated device. Equipment should be punctually protected during the application process. This is to ensure that every part of the equipment works properly during the job.

   1. In order to ensure the best working condition of the fully automatic assembly machine, reduce the loss of machinery, improve the output value of the workpiece, and extend the lifespan, we must first strengthen the protection of the machine. Its machines are part of the jobs that employees often touch. It is very simple and dirty, so always clean the machine.

   2. When using a fully automatic assembly machine in the workshop environment, please pay attention to cleaning dust and add dust protection cover to the equipment.

   3. Parts should be replaced in time to prevent the impact of the production of the workpiece, otherwise it will affect the production power, should remember the corresponding part of the smoothing agent. Recommended reading: How to choose the automatic assembly machine manufacturing process?

   After all, when protecting a fully automatic assembly machine, it is necessary to ensure the quality of protection and gradually implement it. It is necessary to stick to it for a long time to see the effect.
   Previous: The composition and characteristics of the fully automatic assembly machine        Next: How to improve the reliability of automation control equipment?
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