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How does the vibrator disk use the FM controller?

Release time: 2017-06-19 9:41:30

Source: Ningbo Eagle Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

Vibration plate electromagnetic coil in the work, the slope by the electromagnetic suction will be small up and down the amplitude, adjust the operating frequency of the vibration plate and the gap can be achieved smooth work.
The composition of the vibration plate: hopper, chassis, controller, linear feeder
How the vibrating disc works: There is a pulsed electromagnet under the hopper that allows the bucket to vibrate vertically. The spring is tilted so that the hopper vibrates around its vertical axis. The parts of the hopper, due to this vibration, rise along the spiral track until they are sent to the discharge port.
Vibration electromagnet principle: the use of the electromagnet to produce alternating magnetic field, the vibration part is an iron plate suspended in front of the electromagnet, the signal through the electromagnet when the electromagnetic field will change the electromagnet, so that iron sound vibration.
The vibrating disc is an automatic sorting feeding device. The vibrating disc can replace the cumbersome manual operation, especially the small workpieces or the hygienic products which are not easy to operate by artificial. The use of the vibrating disc can greatly improve the labor efficiency, reduce the operational errors and the pollution caused by the artificial production, but also improve the whole Image.
Vibration plate is to solve the automatic assembly of parts of the main components of the problem, in recent years with the level of domestic production automation continues to improve its application penetration is increasing.

Recommended product keywords:Cixi vibration plate,Ningbo vibration plate,Vibration plate,Non - standard vibration plate,Non-standard equipment,Non-standard automation


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