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Vibration Plate Series
Vibration Plate Industry Appli...
Linear Feeder
Coating Series
Vibration Plate Controller Ser...
Hoist Series, Feeding Silo Cov...
Vibration disk set

Machining precautions

Release time: 2019-10-23 13:27:06

Before work, protective equipment should be worn and gloves and scarves should not be worn.

Before starting the machine, you need to know the purpose or operation of each handle.

Check that all parts of the machine are operating normally.

The tool and workpiece must be clamped with a wrench before the machine is started.

No permission to start the machine without the permission of the instructor

No shifting, cleaning, or size work is allowed before the machine is started.

Do not touch the operating part

If foreign objects or chips are found on the machine, do not allow them to be taken by hand or blown with your mouth.

Stop when the work is found to be loose or the equipment is abnormal.

After the operation, clean the tools and clean the working area of the machine. Do not place the tools, workpieces and other items on the machine table.
Do not touch the tool, workpiece and other moving parts by hand during work. Do not lean the body on the machine to avoid other accidents.

When two people operate one machine at the same time, they must have a clear division of labor and cooperate closely.

When powering off or leaving the machine, the machine should be turned off first to avoid accidents.
   Previous: What are the benefits of an automated assembly machine?        Next: Direct vibration debugging of vibrating plate
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